The Cloud is increasingly assuming a central role in the digital transformation ongoing both in the public and in the private sector. This technology enables the main innovation trends and gives greater agility not only to Information Systems but to the company business as a whole.
The Cloud is a set of service models that is rapidly spreading, since it allows a flexible use of the ICT resources made available by Cloud Service Providers. However, the Cloud Transformation presents various complexities both from the point of view of security and effective management of resources in the Cloud, requiring specialized skills rarely present in companies.
In order to support companies in the delicate phase of Cloud Transformation, Innovery’s Cloud & Infrastructure division designs the technological solutions, suggests the innovations and technological opportunities offered by the Cloud, studying their feasibility and costs to transform them into business opportunities.
The Team also has significant experience in the design and management of on-premises ICT infrastructures and also thanks to this mix of skills, we can support customers in the integration of on-premise infrastructures with those of the Cloud world, also facilitating the adoption and integration of existing security solutions with those in the Cloud.