Since ever, leadership has always been an essential quality to guide and inspire individuals towards achieving common goals.
It is no coincidence that after decades of leadership models that were very often performance or compliance-oriented, the one making a comeback today is the kind leadership: an approach that focuses on the importance in promoting motivation, recognizing the great intrinsic value of empathetic and respectful interaction among members of the same team.
A leadership style that is certainly innovative but perhaps not so much.
In fact, with the “new corporate humanism” we have already experienced the rise of a crucial concept emphasizing the importance of people within organizations. . A new way of conceiving the company and organizations in a more general sense, where the person is at the center of business decisions and where the enhancement of differences is the real added value.
In the same way, the kind leadership does not emphasize the authoritarian control, but rather it focuses on supporting and bringing out each person’s abilities.
And that is why it stands out for its ability to take a collaborative approach, based on listening and sharing, which doesn’t pass through the results but through the leader’s promotion of a culture of trust, respect and gratitude.
So, do results no longer matter?
An authentic kind leader understands that getting results is important, but she/he always puts well-being first, working hard to create favorable conditions for people to self-determine and achieve goals with awareness and determination.
However, it is necessary to bear in mind that being a kind leader does not mean always saying yes but, rather, realizing that an empathetic “no,” very often, can be more valuable than a “yes.”
A leadership style that includes shared goals, tangible results, respect and sharing. These are precisely the characteristics that make a company attractive, where young talents can recognize an environment where they can express their full potential and feel valued.
The phenomenon of the ‘great resignation,’ which has seen its percentage increase exponentially in our country, starting from the post-pandemic period, has absolutely confirmed the need for people to redesign their priorities, with work being the most impactful indicator.
Several studies are currently analyzing the phenomenon of the great resignations, and the reasons seem to be diverse: from the economic aspect to a significant portion of individuals who rediscovered the great value of leisure time during the lockdown, no longer willing to give it up. They are now seeking a workplace that can best reconcile the balance between their personal and professional lives.
But how can companies contain this phenomenon as much as possible?
One possible way out could indeed be a different way of experiencing the company and work.
A Harvard Business School study has shown that a leader’s kindness increases trust and, as a result the employees’ performance itself.
It seems to be the only remedy against uncertainty in an increasingly impersonal world, where the goal is to feel like individuals rather than numbers. Companies can hope for a future only if they manage to regain and restore some of the humanity lost due to Covid.
The world of work and companies, in the broad sense, are made up of individuals, and it is only through consideration for people that we can make our work environment a place where we can fully express ourselves
The solution lies in each of us!

Human Resources Services, Innovery