
Innovation in Artificial Intelligence Governance: The ISO 42001 Certification of Team Innovery by Neverhack

In the fast-evolving context of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is crucial to ensure that companies adopt not only the tools, but even before that, robust governance practices aligned to the international standards. The Advisory division of the Innovery by NeverHack Group stands out as the first team in Europe to achieve ISO 42001:2023 certification from…

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Innovery joins NEVERHACK Group to accelerate its expansion in Southern Europe and America

Roma, september 27th 2024   Innovery, a consulting company specialized in innovative ICT and cybersecurity solutions, owned by Wise Equity through the Wisequity IV fund, starting from 2019, today joins NEVERHACK, a French cybersecurity expert group. Through this acquisition, NEVERHACK strengthens its position as a market leader in the cybersecurity sector, expanding its presence in Southern…

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Explore the future of data security with our expert, Michele Illiano, at the IBM TechXchange! 

Explore the future of data security with our expert, Michele Illiano, at the IBM TechXchange!  Michele Illiano, Division Manager B2B&Sustainability at Innovery, will participate as speaker at the IBM TechXchange event: Protect your data with IBM Sterling Data Exchange!  🗓️ Date of event: February 29th 2024 – 09.00-15.30  📍 Location: Client Center, Rome    In…

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Innovery expands to Potenza welcoming 17 young lucanian professionals to the team

We are excited to announce a new chapter in Innovery’s growth with the hiring of 17 young talents from Lucania! This significant initiative is the result of an ambitious project involving the Regione Basilicata and the in-house company Sviluppo Basilicata, which shows our commitment to supporting the professional growth of young people in the region. …

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NewsPress cybersecurity skill empower lock

The increasing skills required in Cybersecurity: a multidisciplinary approach for success

Over the past few years, the field of cybersecurity has undergone a significant transformation in terms of required skills and winning strategies to deal with increasing cyber threats. The importance of a multidisciplinary perspective in this rapidly evolving field is more and more evident.  In the past, the necessary skills to work in cybersecurity were…

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CERT-INN: Accreditation CERT, Innovery Recognized in the Elite of Cyber Security

We are pleased to announce a significant recognition that underlines our commitment to excellence in providing cyber security services. Trusted Introducer, Community of European CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams), has certified that Innovery has been officially accredited in its network of CERTs.  This achievement is a proof of our constant commitment to maintaining the highest…

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Cyber Security and Psychology: a winning combination

In an interview on Radio Roma Capitale Angelo Alabiso, SOC Cyber Security Analyst at Innovery, highlighted the importance and necessity of including new figures with psychological, sociological, and criminological backgrounds in defence teams, able to detect in advance information about cyber threats, to counter those phishing, persuasion, cognitive bias techniques, now increasingly frequent, that aim…

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NewsPress Basilicata Academy, Innovery call closed with great response: 600 applications

It is well known that for all Italian regions, schools of excellence with a high specialisation in postgraduate technology are an indispensable reality. In 2022, in fact, Italian companies were looking for almost 52,000 ITS Academy graduates, against numbers leaving ITS courses that have grown slowly in recent years. According to the 2022 survey of…

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Our iCam3D solution wins the CNR award for the “TIM Smart City Challenge” at the event “L’Italia delle città intelligenti e sostenibili”

With the rapid evolution of technologies, digitalization processes and the changing needs of cities, the definition of Smart City has also evolved over time. Basically, the Smart City is a city that manages resources in an intelligent way, is attentive to the quality of life and the needs of its citizens with the goal of…

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IL SOLE 24ore: Sviluppo Basilicata-Innovery ,100 questions in 12 hours for the training project on cybersecurity

“100 questions in 12 hours. A boom in applications for the training project ‘Sviluppo Basilicata – Innovery‘, presented yesterday in the Region…” This is how Il Sole 24h opens the article on the project dedicated to cyber security analyst and cyber security engineer profiles to be allocated to 20 young residents of Basilicata, aged between…

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Innovery Academy Basilicata, in collaboration with Regione Basilicata and with the sponsorship of Sviluppo Basilicata – incHUBatori project

The new Sviluppo Basilicata – Innovery Project kicks off today, a training opportunity aimed at employment dedicated to young people from Basilicata who intend to specialize in one of the most innovative sectors: Cyber Security. “Thanks to the support of Innovery company, a multinational company specialized in security services and with extensive experience in the…

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“Cybersecurity: psychology is increasingly exploited by hackers”: Tom’s HARDWARE online magazine publishes an article on the recent survey conducted by Innovery

According to a recent survey conducted by Innovery, hackers are increasingly exploiting the psychological vulnerabilities of their victims. The most used incentives are superficiality, excessive trust in other people and tiredness. In particular, according to the Innovery’s Cyber Profiling Division, cyber attacks, that exploit the emotional state of victims, increase more than 90% during big…

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Iljana Mari interviewed on Cybersecurity Trends – The “immersive simulation”: a Cert Star seminar last July opened a debate with the top companies in the sector

Our colleague Iljana Mari was interviewed at the Cert Star event, held last July and organized by Obiectivo Techlogy Srl, of which she is Sales and Operation Manager. The focus of the event was the management of a cyber security incident, through the creation of an “immersive digital simulation” applied to the delicate area of…

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October 20th 2022 – Online event: Digitalization and Certifications with Privacy Rules, Innovery and RP Legal&Tax

PrivacyRules, together with Innovery and RPLegal&Tax, organized the online event “Digitalization and Certifications: A pragmatic discussion on the real security and defense needs for Italian companies”. The event, online on October 20th at 11.00 CEST, will deal with the current certification mechanisms for itsecurity and dataprotection, trying to understand their effective ability to ensure their…

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NewsPress “Cybersecurity, when the best defense is attack”, the interview with Arturo Di Corinto

To counter increasingly sophisticated attacks and the increasingly aggressive approach by cybercriminals, Innovery has created a division specialized in Offensive Security, with the aim of testing the perimeter and application defenses of companies, both from the point of view of IT and physical security. They kept an eye on the bank’s entrances for weeks, noted…

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The newspaper Giornale d’Italia announces the acquisition by Innovery of Opens3S welcoming it to Innovery

Innovery acquires 100% of Open3S, a Spanish company specialized in IT security, data analytics and IT infrastructure services and solutions, threby strengthening its presence in Spain. “Another important step in the expansion strategy on the Iberian market, in which we have been present since 2008, but where we have not been able to compete with…

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NewsPress Innovery and Experis Academy launch a professionalizing course for Cyber Security Analyst

Innovery and Experis Academy launch the free access course for CyberSecurity Analyst, with the aim of training professionals in the field of cyber security and vulnerability analysis of IT systems and networks, one of the sectors where there is still the greatest lack of skills and where companies struggle to find qualified personnel. The increase…

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La Stampa: Italy remains under hacker attack, investments are not enough to protect companies and citizens

Despite the adoption of all the measures to secure infrastructures and data against increasingly sophisticated and persistent ransomware attacks, unfortunately, total defense does not exist, and it is precisely with this statement that Guido Moscarella, Innovery’s Operating Director, is protagonist in the debate on the need to adopt a zero trust approach and to give maximum alert…

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Innovery secretly controls the companies’ digital defenses: like in the cinema, but it is legal

Innovery secretly controls the companies’ digital defenses: like in the cinema, but it is legal Today an article was published on Login, the Corriere della Sera Innovation insert, dedicated to Offensive Security activities, which describes the activities of physical infiltration, reporting some of the most common cases, to help companies identify their criticalities and remedy it. Given the…

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Sole24Ore: Russia-Ucraina, the alarm about the scary malware: “Hermetic Wiper destroys all data”

The national cybersecurity agency Acn raises the alarm about the scary malware “Hermetic Wiper destroys all data” In the article published yesterday in Sole24Ore it was pointed out that the Hermetic Wiper malware is dangerous twice: for the destructive feature of hacking and, above all, because it could be not a criminal action by an…

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Sole24Ore: C-Level preparati sulla cyber security: una necessità e un’opportunità

Nell’universo manageriale italiano mancano ancora adeguate competenze per rispondere in maniera proattiva alle nuove minacce informatiche in cui la percezione del rischio è ancora bassa. Gli attacchi sferrati dai cyber criminali ad imprese pubbliche e private sono (purtroppo) un tema sempre di stretta attualità ed è opinione comune che non si sia fatto ancora abbastanza per aumentare…

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Sole24ore: Ransomware & Cybersecurity discusse anche al webinar Liguria Digitale

Sul Sole24ore di oggi il Project Manager di Keytech parla di cyber security, argomento ormai sempre più discusso, della protezione dei dati personali e aziendali e di come le aziende dovrebbero investire nella protezione dalle minacce come virus, malware, spyware, phishing e in particolare ransomware, una delle tipologie più usate dagli hacker. Viene illustrato come…

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Innovery potencia su división de ciberseguridad con un equipo comercial

La compañía refuerza así su división de seguridad en nuestro país con el objetivo de replicar el éxito conseguido en Italia. Esta división especializada se divide en las áreas de ciberseguridad defensiva, ciberseguridad ofensiva, servicios gestionados, gobierno de la seguridad y seguridad física.   En sus 13 años operando en España, Innovery ha experimentado un…

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Podcast Skytg24 – Criptojacking | Intervista ad Antonio Fiorito, dedicata ai temi della cyber security

Podcast Skytg24 – Criptojacking | Intervista ad Antonio Fiorito, dedicata ai temi della cyber security. Antonio Fiorito, Dirigente – B.U. Offensive Security & Cyber Threat Intelligence, Innovery S.p.A. 1234, come la password che non dovreste mai scegliere. Come la password che la maggior parte degli utenti sceglie. Dalle truffe online agli intrighi internazionali, in ogni…

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Attacchi informatici, per l’Italia 7 miliardi di costi e pochi investimenti. Mulè: “Agenzia nazionale a Palazzo Chigi”

La pandemia ha acuito il problema, ma le risorse sul piatto (1,3 miliardi) sono una frazione dei danni subiti. Il Sottosegretario alla Difesa lancia anche un centro di alta formazione per unire le competenze pubbliche e private. Profumo (Leonardo): “L’industria sia più coinvolta”. Bankitalia e Consob chiedono un’azione internazionale comune.   Leggi l’articolo

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Attacco ransomware alla supply chain di Apple: rubati i progetti di nuovi dispositivi

Il gruppo ransomware REvil ha colpito i sistemi di Quanta, uno dei principali fornitori di Apple, rubando a quanto pare preziosi dati relativi a progetti di nuovi dispositivi: ennesimo attacco alla supply chain che dimostra quanto sia fondamentale proteggere la propria catena di fornitura   Leggi l’articolo: Attacco ransomware alla supply chain di Apple: rubati…

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Pamela Pace: “Cybersecurity? Il rischio per le imprese italiane aumenterà”

“Nei prossimi anni la crescita della digitalizzazione moltiplicherà i livelli di cyber rischio per le imprese Italiane”. È l’allarme lanciato da Pamela Pace direttore generale di Obiectivo, advisory company del gruppo Innovery, tra i leader in Italia nella gestione della sicurezza informatica, che ha voluto commentare con HuffPost lo stato dell’arte della cyber security nel nostro Paese…

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Innovery: “Fermare i cyberpirati è una priorità per crescere”

Sicurezza informatica, a che punto siamo? Ne parliamo con Gianvittorio Abate, founder e Ceo di Innovery, società leader in Italia nel settore della cybersecurity: “Oggi il tema è altamente sentito nelle imprese. Da quando abbiamo iniziato, 20 anni fa, a livello aziendale la sensibilità è molto cambiata Leggi l’articolo: Innovery: “Fermare i cyberpirati è una priorità…

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Dai fondali le molecole anticancro di Innovery

Il mare è anche spazio di ricerca scientifica e di soluzioni sostenibili. Big data e intelligenza artificiale creano una piattaforma tecnologica capace di selezionare piccole molecole naturali di origine marina utilizzabili nella lotta ai tumori, nel progetto finanziato con fondi europei dalla Regione Campania. Con la piattaforma Advise (Antitumor Drugs and Vaccines from the Sea),…

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RTL 102.5 – Pamela pace ci parla di cybersecurity

Parliamo di cybersecurity. Quali sono i numeri e lo stato dell’arte in Italia? Come deve comportarsi ognuno di noi per proteggere i propri dati sensibili, i conti correnti (e molto altro) rispetto a phishing e buchi dei sistemi informatici? Per le aziende italiane è necessaria una rivoluzione organizzativa e culturale per prevenire/respingere attacchi cyber. Ne…

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Big Data e ricerca, gli obiettivi di ADViSE

La piattaforma è stata implementata per scoprire e convalidare piccole molecole derivate da organismi marini da utilizzare per la prevenzione e la terapia contro il melanoma, il mieloma multiplo e il cancro polmonare, attraverso l’utilizzo di un approccio di drug discovery che sfrutti le potenzialità offerte dai Big Data e dall’intelligenza artificiale   Leggi l’articolo

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Lavorare a distanza senza correre rischi, i consigli degli esperti

La pandemia ha avuto ripercussioni fortissime sui modelli organizzativi delle aziende. Nella fase più acuta , come emerso dall’Osservatorio smart working del Politecnico di Milano, i lavoratori da remoto sono stati quasi 7 milioni, mentre erano solo 570mila nel settembre del 2019 . Svolgere smart working in completa sicurezza è diventato ormai un obbligo, per questo motivo Innovery spa,…

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Big Data per sviluppo nuovi vaccini

Innovery e CNR insieme per lo sviluppo di una piattaforma tecnologica in grado di analizzare milioni di dati per scoprire piccole molecole di origine marina. Molecole da utilizzare poi come chemioterapici immunogenici, agenti chemio preventivi e vaccini terapeutici antitumorali. Nasce la piattaforma, denominata ADViSE (Antitumor Drugs and Vaccines from the Sea) Leggi l’articolo: Big Data…

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Big Data e Intelligenza Artificiale per lo studio di nuovi immunoterapici e vaccini da molecole marine

Il progresso scientifico, negli ultimi decenni, ha apportato importanti e significative conoscenze sulla struttura e funzione delle molecole biologiche e sulla loro alterazione quale causa di molte malattie, come ad esempio tumori, patologie legate a disordini o disfunzioni del sistema immunitario e malattie degenerative. Da queste scoperte la ricerca scientifica sta esplorando l’utilizzo sempre maggiore…

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