Funded Projects – Research & Development Projects

The European Union’s development plans – aimed at consolidating economic and social cohesion, and improving training and employment opportunities – offer many important financing opportunities for the socio-economic development of EU countries.

Areas of particular interest – for those who work in the field of new technologies, and in particular in ICT – are represented by the objectives of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, FESR) which, with great attention to territorial specificity, concentrates its investments in plans and projects concerning Innovation and Research, the Digital Agenda, support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the sustainable low-carbon economy. The design and investment choices are developed through multi-level governance and multi-stakeholder – according to cooperation processes between Public Administration, private companies, universities and research institutions – which constitute the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3).

Synergies are obtained through this innovative governance model – between scientific and technological research, application skills and market knowledge – with the aim of developing human capital and the economic potential of the territory.


Projects and development of human capital

Funded Projects is the Business Unit with which Innovery accesses European funds, implementing innovative projects in strategic areas, and helps to identify the technological priorities of regional S3. Thanks to its expertise in the leading areas of Information & Technology and in the management of complex projects, Innovery, at present, has significant experience in managing ERDF projects, which allowed it to develop its human capital and contribute to the economic and employment development of the territories, including the opening of new operational locations and skills development programs, and the recruitment of young graduates and other particularly specialized staff.